Where can I find the option to submit floor plans for my listings in Profolio™?

Profolio™ offers you the option to upload readily available and custom-made floor plans to your listings. Both these options can be found under the 'Manage Listings' tab and locating the 'floor plan' icon.

Listings with existing floor plans will have the 'floor plan" icon as shown in the image.

However, if the listing has floor plans, but the desired layout is unavailable among the options, a new floor plan can be requested by clicking on the link found below the floor plans options, as shown below.


In case the floor plan icon is missing, please reach out to our support team at support@bayut.com.

Note: New floor plans requests would require some time to be processed, you would be notified on email once the request is completed.
Should you require any assistance, please reach out to us on support@bayut.com


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